Visitor Information

Average Temperature

Temperatures in Kuala Lumpur range from 22.35 to 31.85 (Celcius)


Malaysian Ringgit (RM).
Travelers' cheques and foreign currencies can be converted to Malaysian Ringgit at banks and hotels. However, there are also money changer kiosks available at large shopping complexes and at the airport. Most major hotels charge a nominal fee for currency conversion.

Major Credit and Charge Cards

VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club - credit and charge cards are accepted in almost all departmental stores, supermarkets, petrol stations and restaurants.

Local Time

Standard Malaysian Time is 8 hours ahead of GMT (GMT+8).

Banking Hours

Most banks are open Monday through Friday from 9.30am to 4pm.

Usual Office Hours

Mondays to Fridays from 8am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm; Saturday from 8am - 1pm.


Shopping centres, supermarkets, restaurants and mini markets are generally open daily from 10am to 10pm. As for tipping; food and beverages in exclusive restaurants, cafes and clubs, as well as accommodations normally include 5 percent service charges.Tipping is not obligatory in most places.

Electricity & Water Facilities

Electricity is on the 240 Volts AC/ 50-Cycle system; treated pipe water is available in most urban and sub-urban areas.


Bahasa Malaysia (national language) and English is widely spoken; Mandarin and some Chinese dialects are also widely spoken.


Mobile telecommunications cover many parts of Kuala Lumpur. Public phones are also available in most places, especially in hotspots.
Most of the restaurants in Kuala Lumpur also provide broadband or Wi-Fi connectivity to their customers.


Government hospitals, clinics and dispensaries are available in all towns. The list of private medical practitioners and pharmacies are available in the local phone directory. However, those with specific medical needs are advised to have a good supply of medications.


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