Dr. Tan is a Registered Nurse and Credential Diabetes Educator from Australia. She is currently attached to the International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur. With a strong passion in diabetes education, Dr. Tan is one of the pioneer diabetes educators in the country with more than 25 years of experience in diabetes education.
Since 1985, Dr. Tan has been a resource person, organizer and initiator in numerous diabetes and educational related activities in Malaysia. These activities include as reviewer and taskforce member for Clinical Practice Guidelines, initiated the development of Diabetes Education Manual and Forum for Injectable Therapy Guideline,chaired the Melaka Diabetes Association branch, Diabetes Education Consultative Section of the Malaysian Diabetes Association and the past president of the Malaysian Diabetes Educators Society. Her main contribution to diabetes education in Malaysia is initiating and organizing regular National Diabetes Education Seminars/Conferences to provide continuous diabetes education for local and South-East Asia diabetes educators and healthcare professionals with the aim to raise the standard of diabetes education in the country and globally.